LBO Signs, Launches ‘Forward Bangsamoro: Strengthening CSO Capacity Engagement in BARMM (CSO-CEB)


The League of Bangsamoro Organizations (LBO) in partnership with The Asia Foundation (TAF) with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) conducted a ceremonial signing and launching of ‘Forward Bangsamoro: Strengthening CSO Capacity Engagement in BARMM (CSO-CEB) on June 20, 2023, at Pagana Native Restaurant, Cotabato City.

The program started with the singing of the Philippine national anthem and BARMM hymn, dua, and words of wisdom delivered by Ustadz Nhorul-am Abdullah, and the opening remarks of the LBO vice president for internal affairs, Ustadz Yusoph Lumambas.

Ustadz Lumambas welcomed the overwhelming number of attendees from the different organizations and ministries and emphasized in his speech that the launching of the said event ‘strengthens the engagement of the CSOs to the BARMM community’.

In addition, the LBO president Hashim B. Manticayan expounded the brief history of the LBO and its aims to sustain unity and moral decency for the Bangsamoro government.

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‘LBO aims to institutionalize and systematize the CSO engagement in government,’ President Manticayan said. ‘The LBO together with its affiliated organizations are willing to undertake a large scale of activities.’ 

Following the preliminaries of the program is the program proper which was graced with the presentation of the forward Bangsamoro by the chief of the party of The Asia Foundation, Crisanto Cayon. Moreover, the LBO secretary Muslima Benito briefly introduces the Project “Strengthening CSO Capacity Engagement in BARMM as well as the details of achievement throughout the establishment and practice of LBO towards a civil society. This was further supported by Prof. Ombra A. Imam, Ph.D. who discussed the overview of the mapping study, including the proposed objectives, methodologies, research timeframe, and the current challenges that the CSOs are facing, which are, therefore, deemed needed to be acted upon.

Further, Sam Chittick, the TAF country representative, congratulated LBO for such a great idea in having this initiative that directly supports the goal of forwarding Bangsamoro. 

Specifically, he commended LBO's tremendous effort and initiative in conducting rigorous ‘research and consultations’ in sustaining the gain of the peace process and the Bangsamoro people, especially at this time of ‘critical period’.

This was strongly supported by Member of Parliament Mohammad “Kelie” U. Antao in his following message.

“Whatever the result of your research and studies, I’ll be more willing to help and provide,” MP Antao said. “We should always remember that in every good deed we do for our Bangsamoro community stands as much as how the hundred thousand mujahideen fought before.’

Following is the message of Senior Minister Hon. Abunawas “Von Al-Haq” Maslamama delivered by Atty. Arif Lao affirms that the involvement and engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the Government can transcend the challenges of the transition period and shape a future that embodies the principle of justice, equity, and inclusivity.

The LBO Chairman of the Supreme Council conveys his strong gratitude to The Asia Foundation for unwavering support to the Bangsamoro and the peace process.  The ceremonial signing as the most-awaited part was led by the LBO president Hashim Manticayan and The Asia Foundation chief of party, Mr. Crisanto Cayon. Lastly, the program concluded with the closing remarks of the LBO vice president for external affairs, Mr. Emran Mohamad.

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