Is Masturbation Haram In Islam?


What Is Masturbation

The act of stimulating your own sex organs for pleasure. In short, sex with yourself. Masturbation is a common activity involving touching the genitals or other sensitive areas of the body for sexual arousal or pleasure. In simple words, Masturbation is the sexual pleasure we give by touching our genitals. It is most common in men and women. that is Masturbation Haram in Islam.

Masturbation is like a drug, which is difficult to stop once you start. Everyone says drugs are harmful, but none understands that masturbation is also a drug, making you uncomfortable if you don’t do it after the required time.

Is Masturbation Haram In Islam?

Yes, it’s haram in Islam.

No, masturbation is not allowed in Islam; one can have sex with their partner (husband or wife), no prohibition on having sex with a partner, but masturbation is not allowed.

Erection of Siemens done by any means except Halal sex(with your wife) is forbidden in Islam. It’s haram because it impacts your mentality. You might observe that for masturbation, you need some object to think about, maybe it is a real girl of your next door, or it may be your relatives, or it may be some nude photos or some pornography.

Whatever it is, the result is whenever you see or think about that person, only you will think about what you thought about her. So, psychologically you are sick; you can not control your mind anymore. Masturbation also affects your sex life; if your partner is not like you thought during masturbation, it will be a horrible situation. It also affects your sex. Too frequent masturbation can cause premature ejaculations, erectile dysfunction, etc.

Why Masturbation Haram In Islam?

As far as masturbation is concerned, scholars in Islam there are different opinions, but the majority of scholars say masturbation in Islam is haram.

Even the majority of scholars say haram, and there is a large number who also say that it is (Makruh), which means a disliked or offensive act (literally “detestable” or “abominable“). and there is another large number of scholars who says that is (muba) it’s optional..

Though there are certain verses that might be referring to it, the word masturbation is never used in the Quran.

“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except for their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, – for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.” 23.5-7

And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste until Allah enriches them of His bounty.” 24.33


Is Masturbation Healthy For Men And Females?

Masturbation Healthy for Men/Female

Knowing what Masturbation is is good, but doing it is bad. Mostly everyone thinks that it is good for health. Many doctors also say it is harmless, but it is based on inconclusive medical research only. Many people use copy-paste-knowledge of others just say that it is harmless.

Several books on it prove that Masturbation is bad, specifically for long-term health. The problem with Masturbation is that it doesn’t show any immediate negative consequences on the body, so it is difficult to understand.

But because people feel enjoyment, they feel what’s wrong with it. Many get addicted, doing it too much, which can be disastrous for future health and sex life. Like other addictions that make a person feel good only for that long time and for a short temporary period, that proves disastrous in the long term.

Is It Haraam For Women To Masturbate?

Halal sex with your husband is forbidden in Islam. Masturbation haram because it impacts your mentality. You might observe that for masturbation, you need some object to think about, maybe it is a real girl of your next door, or it may be your relatives, or it may be some nude photos or some pornography.

Punishment For Masturbation In Islam

Though there are certain verses that might be referring to it, the word masturbation and Punishment for Masturbation is never used in the Quran.

“And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except for their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, – for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.” 23.5-7
And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste until Allah enriches them of His bounty.” 24.33

Punishment for Masturbation is never used in the Quran. And Allah knows the best.

How To Stop Hand Practice Islam

That’s the most common habit among most people, especially teenagers. The best ways to stop this are as follows:-

If you are into masturbation, it’s okay, but you have to try to get rid of it by focusing on your life goals & making dua to Allah SWT. At first, you couldn’t stop it, but you could prevent it from doing it more often. I believe Allah SWT helps you to control our urges, InsyaAllah.

  • Stop being alone. When you stay alone, your mind gets distracted and starts thinking about sex, and then you can’t take control of yourself. So, don’t stay alone.
  • Don’t watch adult content. Watching porn makes you excited about sex, and you go to the bathroom and do that shit again and again. So, stop watching porn.
  • Do exercise. When you exercise daily, you will stop yourself from doing that because you think that you will lose your hard work exercise.
  • Read a book or newspaper when you want to masturbate.
  • Drink a glass of cold water.
  • Before doing that, ask yourself what you will get if you do that. This fool your mind because mainly, our mind works for profit.

Wasting Sperm In Islam

It is haram. Maybe you are killing life by wasting your semen.

And do you know the side effects of masturbation?

Most probably:

1.   The sex timing and stamina decrease as you masturbate. The timing will be 1–2 min or less than that if you don’t stop. Do you want to be ashamed in front of your wife because of your timing? And doctors don’t have any cure for it.

2.   You will see the increased frequency in your nightfall.

3.   Your psychology will become complex. You’ll face problems in decision-making. The feeling of guilt after masturbating will be wired in your brain. And it’ll disturb your peace of mind.

4.   You’ll face anxiety or depression by passing the time.

5.   Your mind mostly constantly scans girls from heels to head. Your mind will become dirty. You’ll be less productive.

These are some of the side effects and there lie many more. You’ll regret it if you don’t stop.

If you want to eliminate it, these horrifying side effects are enough for you to stop doing it.

Is Ghusl Necessary After Masturbation?

Is Ghusl Necessary After Masturbation?Is Ghusl Necessary After Masturbation?

For men, whenever there is the discharge of semen by whatever means, it fardh to make ghusl. For women, after intercourse and after periods, it’s far to have a ghusl.

  • After every sexual intercourse, with or without orgasm. If genitals touch each other, you have to do Ghusl.
  • After ever masturbation
  • After every orgasm
  • After the menstruation
  • After childbed
  • After converting to Islam

Is Masturbation Lawful In Islam?

The Large majority of scholars say Is Masturbation Haram in Islam, and there is a large number who also say that it is (Makruh), which means a disliked or offensive act (literally “detestable” or “abominable“). and there is another large number of scholars who says that is (muba) it’s optional.

Imam Shafi, may Allah mercy on him said it is haram, and he quotes the Verse of Quran from surah Al-mu’minun Verse 5,6 and seven, Verse number five says those who guard their private parts or those who abstain from sex, Verse number six says accept those who they have married that is their spouses that is their wives and those which their right hand possesses for them there is an exception and Verse number seven says that all who cross these limits they are transgressors.

Is Masturbation Haram Or Halal View On Dr. Zakir Naik

Dr Zakir Naik stated that as far as the jurists the fuqaha amongst the Shafi and the Maliki, almost all of them say that masturbation is haram in Islam.

According to imam Shafi, may Allah have mercy on him he said it is haram, and he quotes the Verse of Quran from surah Al-mu’minun Verses 5,6 and seven, Verse number five says those who guard their private parts or those who abstain from sex, Verse number six says accept those who they have married that is their spouses that is their wives and those which their right hand possesses for them there is an exception and Verse number seven says that all who cross these limits they are transgressors.

So based on this Verse of the Quran, imam Shafi may Allah mercy upon him. He says that the Verse is very clear-cut that sex you can have with your spouse and what your right hand possesses and everything else is prohibited.

According to Dr. Zakir Naik would say that masturbation is MAKRUH. It is discouraged to make anything haram. You requested strong evidence from the Qur’an or sahih hadith, and there is no evidence whatsoever. Dr. Zakir Naik said masturbation in MAKRUH because there’s no evidence.

Is It Haram To Masturbate Without Ejaculating?

It is considered haram according to the Sunni Imam Malik ibn Anas. It is prohibited all the time, according to the Maliki madhhab. At the same time, there is a minority opinion within the Maliki school that allows masturbation if done in private and without using illicit materials such as pornography and drugs.

As a Muslim, you have to be in control of masturbation if you want to masturbate, so you can. Why you’re stopping ejaculation? If you started, then end it with fun. And in Islam, there is no specific Hadith (Holy advice) about masturbation.

Islam said you have to marry when you feel that your body needs sex means when you’re mature.

Is Masturbation Permissible For A Man During An Extended Period Of Unmarried Life?

In Islam, some scholars say that masturbation is haram & some say it’s Makruh (not recommended) based on an Al Quran verse that says, ” you have to protect your private parts.” Let’s take the pros & cons of masturbation. The pros are some health benefits to our body like better sleep, relaxation, relieving stress, better blood circulation, etc.

The cons are addiction which makes you care less about other essential things & getting into porn & Zina(adultery), which is haram. Masturbation is a normal thing that everyone used to do in their teenage years because of the high hormone levels in the body.

So masturbation is a Makruh act, according to scholars like Dr. Zakir Naik & some others. If you are into masturbation, it’s okay, but you have to try to get rid of it by focusing on your life goals & making dua to Allah SWT. At first, you couldn’t stop it, but you could prevent it from doing it more often. I believe Allah SWT helps you to control your urges, InsyaAllah.

Is Masturbating Before Sehri And After Iftar Permissible?

It won’t break your fast if you do it after iftar. But better don’t do it. It’s a waste of all the good nutrients your body refined to create your semen, which you ought to value as much as any part of yourself.

There’s also a very good chance it’s haram (forbidden). Try to do fewer sins in Ramadan, not more.

Why do these nasty things? Ask forgiveness from Allah and leave all your bad habits during this month and continue throughout the year.

Masturbation Related Questions (FAQs)

Why Do Many Muslims Feel That Masturbation Is Haram?

Because people feel enjoyment, they feel what’s wrong with it. Many get addicted, doing it too much, which can be disastrous for future health and sex life.

Can A 12 Year Old Boy Masturbate?

Masturbation also affects your sex life; if your partner is not like you thought during masturbation, it will be a horrible situation. It also affects your sex.

Why Is Masturbation So Popular In Islam?

Porn & Zina(adultery), which is haram in Islam. Masturbation is a normal thing that everyone used to do in their teenage years because of the high hormone levels in the body.

Can I Use Soap For Anal Masturbation?

Soap can cause permanent damage to your anus, and if inserted inside, you can feel a burning sensation which is a bad sign, so don’t do it.

Will You Go To Hell For Masturbating?

Since you were born, angels record everything you do. The net result of your good deeds and bad deeds includes how much Allah has forgiven and how much sinning is included. Will decide whether you go to heaven or hell.

Can A Wife Masturbate A Husband According To Islam?

It’s not about the problems. It’s about the script and what is Halal/Haram. And regarding a wife, everything is ok except for two things: during period and anus intercourse (anal sex).

Can I Masturbate At Late Night During Ramadan?

Better don’t do it. It’s a waste of all the good nutrients your body refined to create your semen, which you ought to value as much as any part of yourself. Ask forgiveness from Allah and leave all your bad habits during this month and continue throughout the year.

Will Allah Forgive Me For Masturbating?

The word masturbation and Punishment for Masturbation is never used in the Quran And Allah knows the best.

Can A Muslim Masturbate If He Can’t Marry Yet?

Masturbation is a Makruh act, according to scholars like Dr. Zakir Naik & some others. If you are into masturbation, it’s okay, but you have to try to get rid of it by focusing on your life goals & making dua to Allah SWT

How Big Of A Sin Is Masturbation In Islam?

It is incumbent upon every Muslim to avoid masturbation because practicing it contradicts the Words of Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful: And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except for their wives or (the enslaved people) that their right hand possess, for then, they are free from blame, But whoever seeks beyond that, those are the transgressors

Is Masturbating Without Porn Haram In Islam?

Masturbating is Haram in every condition. Watching porn is also Haram in Islam. Both are big sins. Please forgive yourself and stop both of these habits.

Is Masturbating Haram Or Makruh?

The jurists the fuqaha amongst the Shafi and the Maliki, almost all of them say that masturbation is haram in Islam.

Is Jerking Off Haram In Islam?

In some (precisely 2 of the Sunni schools), it is impermissible, but not Haram. That means that they have not found it directly Haram in the scripture but have deduced based on Islamic teachings that it is not allowed.


According to Dr. Zakir Naik and scholars would say masturbation is MAKRUH. It is discouraged to make anything haram. You requested strong evidence from the Qur’an or sahih hadith, and there is no evidence whatsoever. Dr. Zakir Naik said masturbation in MAKRUH because there’s no evidence.

There is not a single verse in the Quran or a single authentic Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) that says that masturbation is Haram (religiously prohibited). Hence, “Islam” does NOT consider it Haram.
What Haram in Islam is sexual intercourse without marriage


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